Thursday, April 26, 2007

AND NOW FOR PRINCESS CAROLINE...our first and only granddaughter for three years until our population explosion of last year...that we all enjoyed! (and I will say right here that her mother would kill me for calling her "princess" anything. I was just using it for variety in the blog. Don't you think "princess" just goes with the name tho'?)
Anyway, she will be four on May 25! She is growing up to be a very lovely young lady. She has quite a variety of interests. She loves watching animal planet with her dad, snakes, dinosaurs, thomas train, reading, cooking with her Seattle grandma, playing with her friends, doing art projects...her interests are many. She also does gymnastics. She has quite a large vocabulary and is good at making up stories/imaginary creatures and LOVES the grand stories her dad tells her of wonderful inaginary places that have yet to be seen and discovered. She is no longer a baby OR a toddler, but a little girl. She is learning about the fruit of the Spirit now with her mom. Photo will be coming. I don't know how to get one off of shutterfly where I have many:(


At 5:03 PM , Blogger friendoblu said...

I checked out your website tonight. It seems so personal I feel I should have asked permission. In any case, it is really nice to hear such appreciation for your grandkids and to get to know your blogger self a bit. lots of love, Kathy


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