Monday, July 17, 2006

HERE IS THE FINAL SHOT... this seems to always have been a family favorite over the years. We have usually lived in places where there aren't a lot of cemeteries with gravestones. This was especially true in FL, partially true in TX. The girls have always been touched by this little headstone from the year before their own dad's birth. It is wobbly now (run into by the mower?) but is still standing almost 70 years after being put there.
In this age where people are still trying to decide whether abortion is moral (that can't really be a logical or truly scientific decision anymore, can it?) and on what grounds it is actually legal, there seems to be something God put in the human heart that tells us that this was a human being. This was someone made in God's image...a little lower than the angels (as opposed to a little highter than the animals.) That is something our forebears knew without all the scientific information we now have. They had more faith abounding in the culture then. They had to. They didn't have answers to all their "why's" but they did have more trust in the One who created everything. The personal decisions re abortion, need to be made long before one is needed. It can't be an emotional decision, it must be a theological and rational one.
If a child results from a sinful/illicit relationship, God forgives as we make changes in our life and repent. The solution to "problems" that result from sinful behaviors are not solutions that involve covering up the results of our sin. Abortion does that with many physical, emotional and sometimes psychological consequences. If we can trust an eternal, sovereign God to forgive our sin, can't we also trust Him to guide us in providing solutions to our sinful behavior that don't result in more cover-ups or death? The answer to the rhetorical question is YES!
Well, my ramble was totally unexpected. That was not a topic I planned to write about today. It relates though, so I'll leave it.


At 10:49 AM , Blogger Dawn said...

I so agree with what you have written here. Great post!


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